Illegal Logging

Mar 26, 2009


Posted on/at 2:06 AM by kio

Intergovernmental Panel of on Climate Change ( IPCC), one body of UN which 1.300 man of science from whole world, expressed that 90% human being activity during 250 year make our planet progressively heat. IPCC also conclude that 90% glasshouse yielded by human being, like dioxide carbon, methane, and oxide nitrogen, specially during this 50 year, have drastically boosted up Earth temperature.

But, according to report United Nations about published environment and ranch in the year 2006 laying open that, " ranch industry is producer of biggest glasshouse gas emission ( 18%), this amount more than entire transportation in the world ( 13%).” Almost one fifth of (20%) of carbon emission come from ranch.

Ranch sector have contributed 9% of dioxide carbon, 37% of methane gas ( having warm-up effect 72 times stronger than CO2 in duration 20 year, and 23 times in 100 year), and also 65% of oxide nitrogen ( having warm-up effect 296 times more stronger than CO2). Ranch also generate 64% of ammonia because human being interference so that result sour rain.

May be you like to know how ranch industry produce glasshouse gas. Following its outline according to FAO:
1. Emission Carbon of making of livestock thing:
a. Usage of fossil fuel in making of manure contribute 41 million ton of CO2 every year
b. Usage of diesel in ranch contribute 90 million ton of CO2 a year.
c. Displace farm function used for to ranch contribute 2,4 billion ton of CO2 a year, farm changed to plant soybean as livestock food, or cut the forest to make new ranch.
d. Processing of farmland for the food of livestock ( for example corn, wheat, or soybean) can reach 28 million CO2 a year. Need you know, at least 80% soybean crop and 50% corn crop used as food of livestock.
e. discharged carbon from eroded grassland become desert contribute 100 million ton of CO2 a year

2. Carbon emission of digestion system of animal
a. discharged methane in course of digestion of animal can reach 86 million ton a year
b. discharged methane of animal dirt manure can reach 18 million ton per its year

3. Carbon emission of processing and transportation of livestock animal flesh to consumer
a. Emission of CO2 for processing of flesh can reach tens of million ton a year
b. Emission of CO2 from transportation of livestock animal product can reach more than 0,8 million ton a year


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